Today • • 11 February

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Our Orphans’ Stories: Nurul Fadhilah

Meet Mdm Tihamah, the widowed mother of our orphan, Nurul Fadhilah. 

Mdm Tihamah is a mother of two beautiful children – Nurul Fadhilah, 8 years old and a 5-year old son. Their lives changed after the tragic death of her husband. She had to do what she could to survive and provide for her two young children.

Mdm Tihamah works as a seamstress. She only does altering or repairing customers’ garments. As such, she only earns up to $5 per job. The monthly income is not enough to sustain the family expenses, especially Fadhilah’s education.

It’s heartbreaking to hear the plight that Tihamah, a single mother, has to go through to ensure that Fadhilah goes to school everyday. It is even saddening to know that a bright child like Fadhilah is unable to get the education she deserves.

Despite her struggles, her main motivation in life is to look at the blessings they have been given and trust that Allah will take care of the rest.

It is important to Tihamah that her children are closer to the religion and wish for her children to become a Hafizah of the al-Qur’an one day. 

Now, thanks to the Orphan Sponsorship from Global Ehsan Relief, Fadhilah is able to receive quality education that will in turn, change the family’s lives for the better…

The Hifz Orphan Sponsorship Fadhilah received has allowed her to be able to continue her education. Your sponsorship has empowered her to study hard and attain many great achievements including winning multiple hafalan competitions.

Your continuous support and donation for our Hifz Orphan Sponsorship programme is greatly appreciated. Not only does your sponsorship change Fadhilah’s life, but the lives of the entire family.

Join us in changing the lives of more orphans in need.

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