Today • • 14 January

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Meet Joudi Al Asaad

Joudi is nine years old WHO lives in South Lebanon

She suffers from asthma and needs to visit the doctor at least twice yearly, on top of continuous medications. Additionally, Joudi also suffers from hyperactivity. Due to this, she finds it difficult to concentrate in her studies and gets bored easily. Along with the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, she finds it more difficult to do well in school, especially when learning online. As such, she requires a special tutor, but unfortunately her family cannot afford one.

Joudi lives with her mother and aunt in a rented house and unfortunately, no one in the family is earning a stable income. What worries them the most is the difficulties that they are currently facing, their condition worsened by the pandemic. Living in a country that experiences different seasons, the family are constantly in need of suitable clothes, as well as sufficient food, transportation and allowance. 

But slowly, their lives are improving.

Alhamdulillah thanks to the charity of generous donors, Joudi and her family are able to receive the support that they need to elevate their standard of living. The sponsorship allows Joudi to receive school essentials, like transportation fees, tutoring fees, stationery items, as well as medical aid and food. We pray that with quality access to education, Joudi will be able to work hard and provide her family with a better and brighter future and move closer and closer to her dream. 

Join us in transforming the lives of orphan children like Joudi by donating to our Care for Orphans project today.

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