Today • • 11 February

Recent Donors

To my Dear Orphan

A Heartfelt Letter

We share with you a heartfelt letter submitted by one of our Orphan Sponsors, Miss Nur Diyana, for her orphan in Palestine: Moustafa Tahseen Al-Sawafiri.


For so many years before I met you, I went through so many moments of self-doubt, moments where I felt useless; as though there wasn’t any more point to living. And then one day, Allah S.W.T. guided my heart to Global Ehsan Relief. That was when our world connected and my life was never the same.

Each time I go through moments of self-doubt, the receipt comes in that the deduction for your sponsorship has been made that month. Instantly, I felt lifted. No matter how many times my heart might have been broken throughout that period, my heart suddenly felt whole again knowing that at least, a child is being fed and sheltered, and he feels a bit more comfortable today.

“Each time I go through moments of self-doubt, the receipt comes in that the deduction for your sponsorship has been made that month. Instantly, I felt lifted,”

Miss Diyana, Orphan Sponsor

This conflict has been going for too long and I’m sorry that innocent sweethearts like you end up becoming the victims. Each time I hear about another crisis, I drop Global Ehsan Relief a text to check on how you’re doing. But this time round, it was so difficult for me to even find the courage to find the words or type it out. We all know that this time – it’s real.

My hands trembled when the Orphan Care Officer told me that they can’t reach the team and therefore, can’t provide us with updates. It’s like one of my worst fears come true. Watching it all happen in real time, knowing someone I know & love but have never met is at the receiving end of all this. It’s not a pain I can talk about because people just don’t understand how I can deeply love someone I’ve never met. The last letter I received from you was your picture now – a grown 15 year old boy, who dreams of being a national soccer player. I can’t believe it’s been 5 years since our paths crossed.



Here at Global Ehsan Relief, we are deeply concerned about the safety and well-being of our Palestinian children. However with currently their access to electricity, internet and other necessities cut off, we have yet to be able to confirm the status of our sponsorship orphans. We urge you to keep them in your du’as as we await further updates from our team on the ground. We also invite you to keep donating to our Global Emergency Response and provide vital aid to those in dire need.