Today • • 24 January

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Our Orphans’ Stories: Alyssa Rahmadani

This is Alyssa Rahmadani, 7-years old. 

She lives in Aceh Besar, Indonesia. 

In February 2020, her father passed away after suffering a stroke at home. He was not suffering from any prior sickness and his death shocked the family greatly. 

Alyssa currently lives in a small house with her mother, Mdm Rihana and sisters, Julia and Adinda. 

The family suffered from financial hardship and were often plagued with financial worries. After losing her husband, Alyssa’s mother, Mdm Rihana set up a kiosk business right in front of their house selling packets of nasi lemak in the morning, and bakso bakar (barbecue meatballs) at night. Everyday, she wakes up at 4am to prepare the food and closes up at 11pm.

“I have to stay strong and be healthy for my children,” Mdm Rihana shares, even though she suffers from diabetes and hypertension.

Now, thanks to the Orphan Sponsorship from Global Ehsan Relief, Alyssa and her family’s lives have changed for the better…

Global Ehsan Relief stepped in, and now Alyssa Rahmadani has been sponsored

This has enabled Alyssa to not only go to school regularly, but also improve her memorisation of the Holy Quran. Mdm Rihana shared how Alyssa loves to talk and share about her day, and especially enjoys memorising the Al-Quran. 

Her orphan mentor, Mursyidin, quipped how Alyssa has progressed so much over the years; from when she first started receiving the sponsorship, to now.

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