Imagine living in a household with no means of getting a proper livelihood. That is the reality of orphans living around the world.
Caring for orphans is highly encouraged and frequently mentioned in the Quran so how exactly do we go about it? This is where Global Ehsan Relief comes in.
Our Orphan Sponsorship program aims to equip these children with the essentials needed for them to thrive in life.
Here are six ways how your sponsorship saves lives!
When you sign up for a sponsorship programme, you are linked to one orphan. As you exchange letters and learn more about one another, you will eventually create a bond and the impact of it goes a long way for these orphans.
Here’s an example: As we face difficulties in life, most of us have a group of people to fall back on. However, some of these orphans aren’t as fortunate to have that. As these orphans receive words of encouragement and love and support, there’s a chance that they’ll cope better and see life differently, despite the challenges and difficulties they currently face.
Education is key to development. By ensuring that quality education is given to these vulnerable children, you are giving them the chance at a better life. Not only are we helping them to broaden their horizons, we are also aiding them in effectively ending the poverty cycle.
Every child deserves to receive proper meals to fully nourish their body. This is a given right, but many orphans around the world get through the day without eating a single balanced meal, what more the recommended three meals a day. Through the sponsorship, they would never have to worry about having insufficient food for themselves.
The average life expectancy of an orphan is only 30 years old. This is partly due to the fact that they receive little to no medical support because of the high costs. Hence, your sponsorship allows these affected orphans (by warfare, illnesses & poverty) to cover their medical costs and make sure they get their deserved health care services.
When a child is deprived of basic needs due to poverty (amongst other factors), they are forced to supplement their family’s income by going out and finding a job. You would be surprised to know that as many as 160 million children worldwide are involved in child labour and get overworked for little to no money. The conditions of their jobs are at times dangerous and can be damaging to their health.
As you sponsor an orphan, you get to make sure that these orphans and their families do not have to worry financially, allowing them to shift their focus onto the orphans’ education instead.
A child should never have to worry about not having enough to sustain themselves. They are at the ages where they should be experiencing learning, enjoyment and a loving time with family and friends. Letting them enjoy their childhood for as long as they can is essential! Lastly, sponsoring an orphan means you are giving them a chance to be an active member in the community, which eventually benefits the whole society, not just them.
Still unsure how your sponsorship saves lives? Read more about Global Ehsan Relief’s Orphan Sponsorship projects here! The blessed month of Rabiul-Awwal is the perfect time for you to start your sponsorship journey. Give these orphans the future they deserve now.