Today • • 14 January

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Our Orphans’ Stories: Rozatul Jinal & Wirda

Meet Rozatul Jinal, 13-year-old and Wirda, 16th-year-old and their mother (far left). 

The two siblings have two older sisters who are both pursuing education at an Islamic Boarding school. 

Their father passed away nearly a decade ago, making their mother, Mdm Zainiah, the sole breadwinner of the family. She earns a living through her small businesses such as selling vegetables. 

Now, thanks to the Orphan Sponsorship from Global Ehsan Relief, the sisters are able to attain quality education…

Mdm Zainiah happily shared with us how she sees the difference in her daughters after being sponsored by our GER community. 

The sisters shared how they both enjoy school! Wirda is currently living in an Islamic Boarding school – and this is only made possible as a result of the sponsorship she receives. She rides her bike to and fro; a mode of transport that is often utilised by the community in Indonesia.

Both sisters expressed how they dream of being a teacher in the future.

As they prayed for the donors and our community and thanked us for the sponsorship, we prayed that they will achieve all their dreams in the future, insyaAllah.

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