Today • • 11 February

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Getting to know our Beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

The best creation of Allah S.W.T. is our beloved Messenger Muhammad S.A.W. The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. preached the message of Islam at a time when society was entrenched in paganism, teaching a message of justice, peace, and rights. 

Stories of the Prophet S.A.W. have been told for generations, and will continue to be honoured by generations to come, but how much do you know about Allah’s S.W.T. last Prophet? 

1. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. was an orphaned child

Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. was an orphan – his father Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib died before he was born, while his mother Aminah Bint Wahb died when he was only six-years-old. His paternal grandfather took him in, and he was then later taken care of by his paternal uncle, Abu Talib ibn Abd al-Muttalib. 

At the time, Arabia was a very tribal society and orphans were the lowest class in society because they lacked protection. This left the Prophet S.A.W. feeling vulnerable at a very young age. This in turn left him completely dependent on Allah S.W.T, while also allowing him to feel a strong connection to the most destitute of people in society. 

2. The Prophet S.A.W. did not waste food nor does he overconsume

The companion Ka’ab bin Malik R.A. mentioned how the Prophet S.A.W. would eat with his three fingers and would then lick them to avoid any wastage in the food he ate. He would never complain or criticise the food served on his plate. He was also moderate in his consumption and would never eat until he was too full. 

The Messenger S.A.W. would never eat alone and would always invite others to dine with him. Hence, eating together is considered to be a Sunnah. The Prophet S.A.W. advised others against eating alone if there is an opportunity to eat together. 

After his meal, the Prophet S.A.W. would praise Allah S.W.T. for the food he is blessed with; an act that we should emulate after eating. Every act, even those that may seem like a normal routine, is an act of worship done in the name of Allah S.W.T. 

3. He was nicknamed ‘The Truthful One’ before he became a Prophet

Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. proved by his living example that he was the most truthful and honest person and had earned a reputation for someone who can be trusted by anyone. While he was an orphan who had started trading with his uncle, he became well-known and respected as a result of his honest and fair dealings with the people. Every Makkan knew him as As-Sadiq (the Truthful) and Al-Amin (the Trustworthy).

4. He had a strong presence

The Messenger S.A.W. had a charismatic nature that left a strong impact on all those who met him. He was the most beautiful of men and had the most beautiful soul.  There are many narrations regarding the physique of the Prophet S.A.W. One such is the hadith narrated by Al-Barra’ Bin ‘Azib R.A.: 

“The Messenger of Allah s.a.w. was of medium stature, neither exceedingly tall nor short. He had a handsome physique. His blessed hair was neither extremely curly nor was it straight. His complexion was fair and imbued with a bit of redness (asmar). When he walked, he would walk swiftly with vigour and lean forward slightly.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

In another hadith narrated by Jabir r.a:

“I once saw the Messenger of Allah s.a.w. on the night of a full moon. He was wearing a red cloth with him. I kept looking at him and the moon. It then came to me that he was definitely more beautiful than the full moon” (Narrated by Imam At-Tirmizi)


5. The Prophet S.A.W. helped with household chores

The Messenger S.A.W. lived during an era where men considered themselves superior to women. There were not many men in households who did household chores, rather, they considered themselves too manly for such chores.

However, the Prophet S.A.W. was not like that. According to various scholars, he would take on different chores and help his wives to take care of the affairs of the home. 

Aisyah R.A. was asked “What did the Prophet used to do in his house?” She replied, “He used to keep himself busy serving his family and when it was the time for prayer he would go for it.” (Bukhari)

6. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. established rights for women

In a time when women were not yet given their rightful position in society, the Prophet S.A.W. treated his beloved daughters with the utmost respect and was not shy to show his affection to others. 

In a hadith narrated by Sayyidatina Aisyah R.A.:

“When the Prophet saw her (Fatimah) coming, he would greet her and then he would stand up for her, kiss her, take her hand and bring her to sit in his place. When the Prophet s.a.w visited her, she would greet him, stand up for him, and kiss him.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari)