Today • • 11 February

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Special Edition Kindness Day in Muharram!

We’re bidding goodbye to Muharram soon – but it’s a month that has been filled with Kindness! To commemorate Global Ehsan Relief’s Care for Clean Water projects in the sacred month of Muharram, our Singapore team carried out our signature Kindness Day every Friday of the blessed month!

I will pass forward the kindness I receive today to someone else another day.”

Kindness Day Recipient

Kindness is contagious and infectious in all the best ways possible. One act of kindness can have a ripple effect, taking on new forms along the way.

Our Kindness Day is a signature event here at Global Ehsan Relief – one that’s replicated in our offices across the world.

And for our special edition of Kindness Day in Muharram, our Global Ehsan Relief Singapore team worked hard every Friday of the month to give out thousands of different flavoured drinks to the community for free!

We gave out free drinks for congregates at Masjid Khalid, Masjid Al-Falah and the community at Tampines! They received sweet, flavourful drinks such as bottled Iced Tea from Tehwalla, Air Katira and loads of sweet bottled drinks!

Of course, this would not have been possible without the support of our generous sponsors throughout the month!

“Alhamdullilah, we have completed our Kindness Day for four weeks and we feel that water is an essential part of our daily lives. Hence, this was why drinks were distributed for four weeks straight. In Singapore, it can be scorching hot and we feel that giving out water and seeing people smile when receiving is just an absolute pleasure,” shared Aiman, Project Manager.

These were among the feedback that we received from the community!

“Very grateful for receiving free drinks like this. There are still so many other countries that are experiencing difficulties to find clean water, moreover delicious drinks such as (the one we received today).”

“Water is definitely important for many different uses such as taking ablution, showering, drinking water as well. In other countries, just one bottle of water can last a week, maybe even a month. Alhamdulillah, we have such easy access to clean water. It’s very important to me.”

Our Kindness Day extends beyond making the day of those who received the free drinks; it’s also a favourite amongst our staff!

“I felt the spirit of togetherness whilst distributing free drinks to the public. I think the most cherished moments were definitely when i handed out drinks to the delivery riders and their faces would light up with genuine appreciation,” expressed Sofiah, our Media Executive.

For our Videographer Zaki, he shared this experience with us: “As a videographer, it was so much fun and refreshing to experience Kindness Day at locations other than our usual spot, as it allowed me to expand and experiment with new ideas. I also believe that we have positively impacted the community and I hope to see more kindness being spread around!”

Our Kindness Day is a weekly reminder to us all that even a small act of kindness can truly make a big difference in our community.