Today • • 11 February

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Battling the Dry Season With A Community Water Well

Mdm Fatimah, 62-years-old, is an elderly grandmother who moved from Kampong Cham to the Mondulkiri province, Cambodia. She and her husband take care of her niece, who is an orphan – the couple does not have any children of their own. To earn a living, Mdm Fatimah and her family grow cashew and pepper, where they earn between $5 USD to $10 USD each day, depending on the crop yield and the market price.

When our Global Ehsan Relief Cambodia team visited Mdm Fatimah, she shared how the water shortage is a big concern for her family as well as the rest of the villagers living in the Trapaeng P’e Village. For Mdm Fatimah, she had a dug water well at home, however the depth has made it difficult for the family to draw water from the well using a bucket winch. In addition, the water in the well often dries out during the dry season, hence her niece had to draw water from a distant pond instead.

“In this village, people carry water from dug wells or collect rainwater in stone pots for bathing, drinking and cooking. But when the dry season arrives, the water well dries up, forcing the villages to carry water from the long-distance pond,” Mdm Fatimah shared.

However, the lives of the villages changed for the better with the installation of a Community Water Well by our Global Ehsan Relief Cambodia team.

When we asked how the Community Water Well had impacted her and the people in her village, Mdm Fatimah said: “Now that we have access to clean water through a Community Water Well right next to our home, we can save precious time. We no longer have to carry water from the dug well or spend our time and energy collecting water from far, distant sources. We can now use the time to cultivate crops and keep livestock in any season, without worrying about running out of water.”

“Now that we have access to clean water through a Community Water Well right next to our home, we can save precious time. We no longer have to carry water from the dug well or spend our time and energy collecting water from far, distant sources,”

Mdm Fatimah, 62-years-old

Mdm Fatimah is grateful for the gift of the Community Water Well, even expressing her heartfelt gratitude to the donors for their concern towards the villagers.

“I am pleased that there is a Community Water Well so near to my home. It is quite simple to use and I can get water for my everyday needs just by turning on the faucet. To the donors, may Allah S.W.T extend your life and bless you and your family,” Mdm Fatimah prayed.

We’ve seen the impact personally, and we urge you to continue lending your support to impact more underprivileged people around the world. To date, you’ve helped us build more than 300 Community Water Wells in Cambodia. We invite you to join us in empowering more women in need of clean water. Contribute to our Care for Clean Water campaigns today to help change lives for the better.