Today • • 11 February

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The child who grew up too soon

Walking to school equipped with a heavy school bag filled with textbooks and school supplies.

Playing tag with friends at the playground, climbing on the monkey bars.

Eating a wholesome, nutritious lunch during recess to fuel their energy for the rest of the day.

Filling up their evening with after-school activities.

Plotting with friends to hang out after school to watch after-school programmes.

These are the things that most children are privileged enough to experience in their early years.

To grow up to live out their best potential and pave the way for a bright future.

Walking along alleys to look for scraps to sell to recycling factories to make a little bit of money.

Playing the role of breadwinner in the family, working themselves to the bone.

Eating what little food available there is on the table, shared among a family of 5.

Filling up their day and night with loneliness from not socialising with peers.

Plotting to build a better life, only to be hindered by more of life’s urgent needs.

These are the things experienced by the child who had to grow up too soon.

To ensure their family survives each day, because the loss of a parent meant gaining more responsibility.

Take the hand of an orphan in need. Let them have the childhood they’re meant to have – a rich and meaningful one – so that they can turn their life around.

Click here to sponsor an orphan to allow them to grow to be happy and healthy children.