1.What is meant by Qurban Relief ?
Qurban Relief is the name for a farm animal that is slaughtered on Hari Raya Aidiladha with the purpose of taqarrub (Practice done for the sake of God) at certain times. That is 10 Zulhijjah (after finishing the holiday prayer) and on the following Tasyrik days, namely; 11, 12, 13 Zulhijjah.
2. Why 38 countries ?
We have discussed with our partners from all around the world and we select the most needy countries. They are countries affected by conflict, countries with refugees. And this might be the only time of the year where they can enjoy meat.
3. Who are Global Ehsan Relief's beneficiaries ?
Our beneficiaries from the 38 countries are widows, orphans, the elderly, the most needy in conflict areas and most importantly, the refugees. Not only external refugees but also internally displaced refugees like those in Yemen, Gaza and Somaliland where these people have run away from conflicts and they are refugees in their own countries.
4. Will you get photo evidence of the Qurban ?
All our Qurban are monitored and audited both by GER and our partners. We will provide certificates and reports to all our donors and upload general pictures on our social media.
If you would like for a picture of your name being held in front of the animal, you can do so only in these 4 countries; Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Pakistan and Aceh.
5. Can we perform Qurban for a person without his/her knowledge ?
Yes if that person is one of your immediate family members. If the person is not, you need to ask for his or her permission before performing the Qurban. If the person does not give the permission then it is not allowed to perform Qurban for him or her.
6. Can we perform Qurban for our parents who have passed away ?
The prayers and deeds of a pious child for his/her parents are accepted by Allah SWT - whether the parents have passed away or are still alive. According to the mazhab Hanafi and Hanbali, it is permissible for a child to perform Qurban for his/her dead parents and let the child pray that the Qurban he performed for his/her parents is accepted and the good deeds that flow will be a blessing for his/her parents on the Day of Judgement.
7. Can the meat be brought back to Singapore ?
No, it can’t. We are doing our qurban in all the countries where it is not possible to fly the meat back to Singapore so all the meat will be distributed to the beneficiaries in the local country.
8. What are the types of Qurban we can do ?
There’s 4 types of Qurban.
Goat - 1 name
Cow - share up to 7 names
Camel - share up to 7 names
Cow Share - 1 name
9. What are the legal requirements of the animal chosen for Qurban ?
Farm animals such as goats, cows and camels. A healthy and perfect animal without defects.
Camel: Five years old entering the sixth year.
Cow: Two years old entering the third year.
Goat: Two years old entering the third year.
Sheep: One year old entering the second year, or have given birth to teeth.
10. When can we cut our nails or hair after making an intention ?
According to our scholars, keeping it uncut is only sunnah. Even if you cut your nails or hair before the qurban, it does not nullify your qurban and it is still valid. Our advice is for you to wait till the day of Tashriq has ended before cutting your nails and hair. This is because our qurban is done is so many countries thus the different time zones which leads to the day of Eid falling on different days.
11. Which is better, qurban in the country or abroad?
From the point of view of need and charity, it is encouraged to perform sacrifices in poor countries that are facing the threat of famine, countries that are in crisis so that sacrifices reach those who are truly in need.