Today • • 14 January

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5 Ways to Do More Good This Year!

Pledge your Donations Monthly

What better way to start the new year than with a plan? This year, Global Ehsan Relief aims to help more widows, orphans and poor around the world. With the support of our monthly donors, we’re able to do that. By pledging your donations monthly, you’ll be a constant ray of hope for the beneficiaries under our care!

Pledge your donations monthly with our GEMs program and stand in solidarity with the most needy around the world.

Sign up as a monthly volunteer 

Can’t commit to donating monthly? Sign up as a volunteer and give back to the community through your time and efforts! Never underestimate the work that charity workers do on the ground – you’ll get to meet the very people that donations are channeled to and experience first-hand how the help rendered has impacted their families.

Join an overseas community involvement program (CIP)

As we rang in the new year, there were a total of 89.3 million people still living as refugees and IDPs. Overseas mission trips and involvement programs are a great way to realign your goals and change your perspectives for the future. 

Travel to countries like Aceh and Cambodia with Global Ehsan Relief’s Community Involvement Programs to experience the planning and implementation of our projects overseas.


When an emergency strikes, affected communities need all the help they can get immediately. However, the weeks and months of recovery afterwards is normally overlooked by donors. Give towards our Global Emergency Response fund to help rebuild lives and homes in affected countries. 


If monetary donations are out of your options, why not spread some kindness online? Share causes that you resonate with and show your friends and family that something’s worth caring about!

Whatever it is that you decide to do this year, keep in mind that no good deed is too small. Even a smile on days that you’re not feeling much like yourself goes a long way – and might even make you feel better too! 

Follow us on social media to be informed of all our latest projects, trips and fundraising events!