In 2022, we had a team deployed to Nepal for our annual Qurban Relief campaign.
Our Qurban project in Nepal went smoothly with the assistance of our international partner on the ground, International Learning Movement (ILM). As many as 11 goats, 155 cows and 482 cow shares were sacrificed and distributed there during Eid ul-Adha last year.
Our Qurban preparations and distributions were carried out at different madrasahs as there are no slaughter houses in Nepal. Hence the madrasahs opened their doors welcomingly to our Qurban activities. These schools are closed on Eid, making it available for Qurban to be carried out on the school premises.
In addition, these madrasahs are usually easily accessible to the public and not too far for the villagers to travel to. For the majority of them, they have no choice but to travel by foot to collect their fresh Qurban meat.
During the Qurban distribution at Sanggapur Province, our team met Mr Shakur, a 65-year-old man who lived more than three kilometres away from the distribution location.
Mr Shakur lives with his wife, who works as a farmer on the field right in front of their house. Mr Shakur had to stop working full-time eight years ago due to an illness in his legs, and unfortunately he is unable to afford to go to the hospital to get treatment. Two years back, his condition worsened and the villagers rallied together to raise funds for his treatment at the hospital.
His wife is the sole breadwinner for the both of them as their daughters are already married and live with their husbands. When the harvesting season is over, the couple no longer has a way to earn anything. With the little income Mr Shakur’s wife has earned, they just use it for whatever is necessary for them to live.
When our team visited their house, there was no food at all except rice. Their food storage had been empty for weeks. The house had no electricity for lights nor did they have clean water for drinking. At night, the house is blanketed by pitch darkness.
Our fresh Qurban meat brought joy and happiness to Mr Shakur’s household. Without it, he and his wife would be cooking rotten fruits for their meals. He was extremely grateful for the Qurban meat, which was a rare luxury for them as they couldn’t afford meat regularly. Our team prayed for Shakur and his family, may Allah S.W.T. bless them with an abundance of blessings.
Make Your Sacrifice, Their Blessings this year.