Today • • 11 February

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Mobile School in Jordan for Refugee Children

A partnership between Global Ehsan Relief & Islamic Help UK

For these Syrian refugee children living in random camps in Jordan close to the Syrian border, they have their lives forcibly taken away from them. 

More than just shelter, food and water, there is another aspect that these children crucially need – an education. These children fled the war in Syria and with little to no access to learning, it could be detrimental to their growth and development. 

For these refugee communities that travel away from home, they suffer from many issues like:

  • Lack of healthcare
  • No sewage system
  • No clean drinking water
  • Lack of shelter and food 
  • No schools, education or teaching
  • Bad weather conditions
  • Far away from education centres

The children in these camps and communities are deprived of support, protection, resources and the rights that they are supposed to enjoy, such as their birth registration, food, water and education. Due to the challenges that they face, various different issues are borne out of it, such as child labour, violence, under-age marriages for girls, and dropping out of school.

Thankfully for two years now, Global Ehsan Relief has been supporting the education of these Syrian refugee children through a mobile school. The students are taught English, Arabic, reading, writing, science, art, the Islamic religion and the Quran, as well as important life skills. 

To save the future of the younger generations, Islamic Help UK (Jordan Team) and Global Ehsan Relief worked together to establish a school for these Syrian refugee children. The school serves the poor and orphaned children living in these random camps, and it serves children aged 6 to 16 years old. We have also distributed school uniforms with our GER logo, bags, books and stationery materials.

First established on 4th May 2019, the school also aims to allow for the active participation of this young generation in the redevelopment of their country. Initially, there were only 46 students. Now, the number of students has grown larger and larger. At the start, the teachers noticed the situation of the students where their culture differed among them. Some knew the basics of reading and writing, while some barely knew anything. Some knew how to communicate with others, some behaved differently. 

The mobile school in Jordan aims to uplift the lives of these refugee children by providing them with a comprehensive educational, cultural and recreational curriculum. It also serves to provide a safe space for the children – to take care of their health through the provision of healthy meals, especially since the majority of camps suffer from food poverty. Every child needs nutritious food, packed with proteins and vitamins. For some of these refugees, getting a healthy meal daily is a struggle. 

It is hoped that through the mobile school in Jordan, these refugee children are nurtured and are well-prepared to rebuild their future. Other than academics, it is equally important to impart life skills – social skills that will teach them about independence and confidence. 

Education plays a lifesaving role for children in emergency situations. Also, it gives them some hope for the future. The Global Ehsan Relief mobile school has given the Syrian refugee children an opportunity to learn and dream of a better life. They are praying that they have an opportunity to continue studying and that generous donors continue to support their need for education.  

Join us in our efforts to provide a long-lasting impact on these Syrian refugee children by providing them with quality education. Contribute today to our Ehsan Education Fund.