Today • • 14 January

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How Volunteering Helps You

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

Leo Buscaglia

Izzati, 28, works as a Mechanical Engineer. A regular volunteer for Global Ehsan Relief Singapore, Izzati recently joined us for our monthly distribution in the month of May. This is her volunteering experience with us ✨

“For today’s distribution, so for GER I think they have a volunteer group on whatsapp and that was where I saw the poster being sent out. I was like, ‘okay I think I’m free on that day so, why not!”

“For the first house, we only had time to pass the hamper and take a few photographs. But I’ve been to a few distributions, some by other organisations as well, so I think that’s quite a standard. Then, to the second house, I think there was no one at home but again, I think that’s a normal thing because people sometimes don’t update their whereabouts.”

“At the third house, we got to interact a little bit more with the beneficiary. (When we chatted) we found out more about their situation and understood their situation.

“These people are being tested in difficult times and harder ways than we can imagine. But to see her, the beneficiary, be able to handle that and take it in her stride, and to slowly get back to society, it’s an inspiration (to me). It’s a motivation on my end as well,” Izzati expressed to our team.

At the end, Izzati shared with us what volunteering means to her, and gave us a reminder on why we do what we do:

“To me, volunteering is about giving back to society, but I think volunteering has also been about helping yourself reflect about what you can do to be a better member of society.”

“We might be struggling, but there are also people out there who are struggling. So it’s for all of us too, to look around for the people around you who you see, they might be okay but if, let’s say, you can help a little bit, it might be something that is big for them. And then you see how it helps, not really about how it helps other people, but also how it helps you.”