By now, we should all have welcomed Ramadhan, the greatest month of the year. Some of us may have a picture or plan in our minds on what to do and achieve by the end of this month. But, how can we make sure that those are realistic goals for ourselves and how should we carry on?
Get yourselves ready to apply some of these tips!
1. Plan in advance
Time management is divided into two – planning and applying. We might have heard this famous quote, “When we fail to plan, we plan to fail”. So list down whatever things that you need and you wish to do this month.
2. Know how much time you have daily for ibadah and work
Many of us think that with 24 hours a day, after you minus off sleeping time, time spent preparing for iftar and other chores, we will only have a few hours of ibadah time. That is not necessary. One of the tips we have: from now on, whatever that we do, relate it to Allah and Islam, making the intention that it is an ibadah.
For example, when eating, set an intention of wanting to gain energy from this food to have the strength to do more ibadah later on, or set an intention of wanting to strengthen family ties through iftar time. When we link everything we do to Allah and Islam, 24 hours = ibadah!
3. Set clear goals & allocate time for each goal
As mentioned earlier, it is encouraged for us to have a ‘to-do’ list as it can help to process our minds and eventually be aware of our progress. Prepare your SMART goals according to your own schedule at home. If you are done working on some tasks for work during the day, then let your night be only for Allah.
For example, knowing that you have one hour of free time before Isya’, then use that time to open up a tafsir book to read and ponder upon its meanings.
4. Utilise the early hours in the morning
Working from home can sometimes mean working more. Thus, start your work early in the morning and get the most important things done first. Start as early as after Fajr prayers. After reading the Qur’an, get yourself to the desk and start working on some things, especially with a fresh mind and body.
Some people might also read the Qur’an before Fajr, then make prayers and after Fajr, work on their things. Either way works, because there is always barakah in the early hours. Notice the progress you make as compared to later in the day.
5. Dedicate time for the Qur’an
For example, if you intend to finish reading the Qur’an once during Ramadhan, then calculate how many pages are needed to be recited daily. 1 juz consists of 20 pages. Thus, after every salah, read about four pages. It’s not about waiting until you’re free, but rather making time for the Qur’an.
6. Fast from excessive socialising
A common mistake that many of us make is to dedicate too much time on social media. It is not wrong and it depends on what you use it for. Especially when we are at home during quarantine, our phones may be a big distraction from the things that should be done. One of the hikmah of quarantine during Ramadhan is that Allah makes it convenient for us to not physically socialise.
Ramadhan is the month of devotion to Allah. Break from your social lives and start building a stronger relationship with Allah.
7. Stay healthy
This is something that many of us overlook. We cannot accomplish our goals if we are feeling weak, agitated or sleep-deprived. Normal adults need at least six hours of sleep everyday. What we can do is to sleep right after terawih (let’s say 10 pm) and get up about an hour before sahur to do night prayers (at maybe 4 am or as you wish). Also remember to keep making healthy dishes as much as you can and drink plenty of water before going to bed as it will keep you hydrated the next day.
May you find these tips practical and useful. Have a blessed Ramadhan!
[Reference: Islamic Online University]