MasyaAllah, we’re bidding farewell to yet another Islamic year.
For businessmen, they analyse their year’s trading at the end of every financial year. But our trade is with Allah S.W.T. and it is much more important to reflect on our worship at the end of the year.
We take the time to thank Allah S.W.T. for the blessings that we have been bestowed with for the entire year and we seek His forgiveness for all our shortcomings and wrongdoings.
When it’s the new year, we also make our new year’s resolutions for the coming months such as
With Muharram being one of the four sacred months in Islam, the rewards of our actions are multiplied.
Muharram is the “month of Allah”. And among the best deeds that we can do this month is fasting.
The greatest day to fast in Muharram is, of course, the tenth of Muharram or otherwise known as the Day of Asyura. Fasting on this day removes the sins of the previous year.
“The best fasting after the month of Ramadan is the month of Allah, Al-Muharram”
The Prophet, (Muslim)
In this new year, we ask Allah S.W.T. to bring blessings and great good to our Ummah and bring relief to those who are suffering. Together, may we reach out to more people in our Ummah and our communities who are suffering, struggling and surviving. Insya-Allah.