Today • • 24 January

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Shortage of supplies sparks communal efforts to fight outbreak

A global crisis can either make or break us as a human collective inhabiting this Earth. But in the midst of a pandemic, it is inspiring and heartwarming to learn that there are people who are determined not to let it break us.

Take this group of “super mummies” from Teck Ghee, Singapore who came together to help in the best way they knew how to: making their own hand sanitizers. Upon hearing that local retailers had run out of stock of hand sanitizers, super mum Lini Chew initiated an effort to self-produce them, which would then be placed in HDB lifts for the community to utilize.

Ms Chew said she was surprised at the overwhelming response of people who were willing to volunteer their time and resources to make this initiative happen. She said if Singaporeans were to “keep doing things alone, we will never fight the virus.”

In addition to that, we have Ms Jennifer Le and her husband and friends who did their part in spreading kindness and compassion by giving out 6,600 free surgical masks so that others may protect themselves in spite of the shortage of masks.

The couple and their friends sourced for the masks online and through their own contacts. After procuring them with their own money, they distributed the masks in two days at three different venues. According to Ms Le, this effort was inspired by the Vietnamese who were doing the same thing – redistributing face masks because of its high prices.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on his Facebook post, “You don’t have to be on the frontline fighting the coronavirus to make a difference. The acts of neighbourliness and kindness happening across our island show that the Singapore spirit is alive and well.”

We commend these people for their acts of kindness in such a difficult time. We love hearing such stories. Tell us – what act of kindness are you extending to others?

[References: TODAY Online]