Ahmad al-Mostafa can't afford milk for his baby daughter. A Syrian refugee, he has barely been able to feed his family since Lebanon sank into economic crisis last year. But now, a coronavirus lo...
In today’s world, eating together as a family can be a struggle. There are nutrition, health, social and mental benefits of eating together. Here are some tips on how you can pull your fami...
To truly care for one another, we must love for others what we love for ourselves. What better way to love one another than to give charity? Apart from professing belief and prayer, charity is co...
By far, prayer in the middle of the night is the worship I struggle with the most. To get up in the middle of the night seems a feat beyond possibility. This is strange because I have small child...
We are constantly asking for forgiveness from Allah swt. As humans, we err. Allah understands that and is always open to forgiving our sins. But did you know that there are different types of for...
The coronavirus pandemic has turned life upside down for many New Yorkers, including those who wish to safely practice their faiths. Muslims, who began the holy month of Ramadhan this month, are ...
The purpose of fasting is not to make us hungry and thirsty, or to deprive us some of our comfort and conveniences. The real purpose of fasting is that we learn taqwa. Taqwa is...
This year, Ramadhan falls during a global pandemic. This time of year, mosques are usually at its busiest. They are bustling with activity as people perform their ibadah, gath...
The coronavirus is an overwhelming crisis, which none of us saw coming. It has affected each and every one of our lives, and we are all feeling anxious for the safety of our loved ones and those ...
A global crisis can either make or break us as a human collective inhabiting this Earth. But in the midst of a pandemic, it is inspiring and heartwarming to learn that there are people who are de...